This is important in order to select the correct context field so that the appropriate team can be assigned to streamline the process of reviewing your ticket and ensure a smooth workflow.

1. Context :

This field is used to find out the context in which the ticket was opened.

1. Project integration: If you are opening a ticket for a project in progress 

2. Support Run: if you are opening this ticket for the production live "run"

1.1. Option 1: Support Run

If you choose "support run" it will display theses fields:

1.1.1. Types of issues

  • "Production Incident" - reporting an incident in a production environment 
  • "Test Platform issue" - reporting an incident in a qualification environment 
  • "Information request" - for any request for information concerning a product and/or its exploitation
  • "Change request" - for any desired or planned change in a product or its operation

1.1.2. Priority

To set the priority of your request

1.2 Option 2: Project Integration 

 If you choose "Project Integration" it will display these fields:

1.2.1 Type :

This field is used to choose your type of request

1.2.2 Environment

To choose the concerned environment

1.2.3 The priority

To set the priority of your request:

2. Setting the priority

When selecting a priority, please note that this affects the actual response time and may involve the SLA.

Please ensure that the correct priority is selected and avoid choosing "Major" and "Critical" if it is not a product incident affecting live customers, as this will trigger an alert to our task force to respond to the ticket instantly, which is monitored 24x7.

Three possible choices allow you to specify your objective expectation regarding the return of Antelop to your ticket :

Two more choices are available only when the ticket type chosen is "Production Incident" : "Major" & "Critical":

Here is how the priority should be apprehended depending on the criteria of the availabilty of the service as defined in your contractual SLA: 

  • Low : Question or issue but the service concerned is up and running
  • Medium : The concerned service is lightly impacted
  • High : The concerned service is significantly impacted and under the limit "Partially down"
  • Major : The concerned service is "Partially down" (or, for SDK status : "Major bug or major incompatibility")Entrust on-call is triggered 
  • Critical : The Concerned Service is "Down" (or for SDK status : Critical bug or critical incompatibility") Entrust on-call is triggered 

These priorities ensure that the Antelop Maximum Response Time is aligned with your contractual SLA.

3. What this is about ?

This field is used by the support to better identify the subject of your questioning or the issue you encounter.

If you choose an option, it will add the corresponding fields to fill in the information needed by the support to help you and investigate your issue depending on the type of issue you encounter.

Here is the list of choices you have: 

When you'll choose one of these options, new fields will appear to allow you to know what the support needs for investigating these kinds of issues. Please fill in the following fields that apply to your issue, to share as much detail as possible in your request. This will facilitate the support’s answer and they will be able to get digging right away. 


Here are the fields:

  • Timestamp (with time zone)
  • Phone model
  • Phone number
  • Wallet id(internal wallet reference)
  • Request ID
  • URL
  • USER
  • Token ID (Internal token reference)
  • TSP token reference
  • Card ID


4. Share logs!

When possible/applicable, share the logs related to the issue you are experiencing. This will enable the Entrust support team to get to work as soon as possible, and avoid a back and forth asking the Client to provide the logs

Best format for log sharing: .txt