Issuers may require reports on token and wallet information under various circumstances. 
This can be achieved by creating a report profile.

Before requesting a report profile

Users do not have reporting management permissions by default. 

Please ensure your account has the necessary permissions to view and manage reports. 

If not, request a new user profile or admin profile with reporting access.

Report types

  • Export of all wallets and cards
  • Export of all tokens
  • Export of all authentication requests
  • Authentication requests regulatory export

Frequency of the report generation

  • Daily
  • Weekly on Monday
  • Weekly on Sunday
  • Monthly
  • Quaterly

Force encryption

  • Enabled / Disabled

Customization of fields

Unless otherwise specified, reports will include all available fields. For a more concise report, you may request a custom configuration with specific fields.

Please note that requests for custom reports will be processed through a change request. This may be subject to additional charges following a thorough review.

Things to note

Please note that this is an incremental report, encompassing data for all tokens and wallets.